Our Journey...

God has certainly taken me on a journey that I didn't expect. He sure has a sense of humor! Come along with us to experience God's goodness and discover what journey He will lead you on.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Yes, that title means what it says, I would marry my husband again and I did!

July 20th was our 13th wedding anniversay, we have said for a few years that we wanted to renew our vows (if you've had a chance to read my book then you'll understand why this was important to us).  Our plan was to go to the beach this summer with the girls and have a private ceremony.  A trip to the beach just wasn't in our budget so we decided to use Uncle Sam's pool.  We didn't have an official ceremony the first time so it was pretty exciting to plan this one.  If you know me then it will be no surprise that I wanted the colors to be black and white.  Bro. Lynn, who married us the first time, was able to do the renewal ceremony.  Marsha helped ALOT with decorations, Sister Mandy got the girls ready for me and others helped serve the punch and cake. The cake was black and white so were the decorations and my dress. Funny isn't it?! Tim and my dad wore white shorts and a black shirt, even the girls were dressed in black and white. My sister, Candy, made the table centerpieces and my sister Mandy took the pictures.  We had about fifty guests (friends and family) and my dad actually got to walk me down the isle!  That was so exciting!  It was extremely hot, but we were happy.
I love Tim so much and I know he loves me just the same.  There is no doubt that God brought us together and I am forever grateful that He did.  He's a wonderful husband and father who loves the Lord with all his heart and I was proud to say I do...again!  Thanks to everyone who helped make this day special...we love you all.

                                             Our table centerpieces custom made by...Candy Lancaster

Our beautiful girls...thanks to Mandy for getting them ready

Tim and Bro. Lynn walking down the isle

Me and my dad

Yes, I did get a new ring...

A kiss to seal the deal...my favorite pic

Our cake...pretty and delicious

Me, my mom and Tim

The Jordan Family